NEK-Sakhalin participates in the new oilfield development.

There started oil production at Arkutun-Dagi field in the framework of Sakhalin 1 project. First oil is coming from Berkut platform.
NEK staff in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Kholmsk takes active part in ‘Berkut’ supply with equipment and materials with regard to the most important scope of work: customs formalities for special customs regime. The procedure is new for the Sakhalin Customs Office as well as for the Client and his customs representative. It demands scrutiny of paperwork and continuous interaction with customs authorities concerning both current declaration and procedure improvement.
Arkutun-Dagi is located apprx. 25 km to the northeastern shoreline of Sakhalin island in the sea of Okhotsk.
‘Sakhalin 1’ is the first large-scale shelf project of Russia realized under Production Sharing Agreement.
Participants of the Consortium are Rosneft (RF), ExxonMobil (USA), Sodeco (Japan), ONGC Videsh Ltd (India).