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The Far North logistics is rapidly developing. Different cargo is being successfully delivered by the Northern Sea Route (NSR) to the locations of Sabetta, Salman, Sever Bay, port of Pevek.
NEK fleet (cargo and passenger transport) is operating on Salman. Road and lifting equipment is involved in construction of the LNG plant. Construction of NEK Salman repair base is ongoing. Delivery of cargo to the Chukotka Sea has started by the NSR and ground transport by winter roads.

NEK specialists on Sakhalin continue providing customs brokerage services for Weatherford oil and gas equipment for the Berkut offshore platform (Sakhalin-I project). The trucking services by own road fleet are provided to various customers on the island.

NEK office in St. Petersburg provides supplies of import and export components for transport engineering.

NEK specialists in Ust-Kut, receive cargo at the of the port of Osetrovo terminal and ship it further by river transport and winter road to the Chayandinskoye and Kovyktinskoye fields

NEK Novorossiysk office increases the volume of customs declarations.

The NEK Project Team is developing the new logistics service line - consignment of medical equipment for General Electric Group.

Cooperation with regular customers is ongoing for Schlumberger, Master Chemicals, Tengizchevroil and others.

During COVID-19 pandemic, NEK employees were working remotely most of the year what did not affect the quality of provided services to our customer satisfaction.

All charity programs are carried out: support to the children's home "Rodnichok", participation in the Charity Fund project of “Illustrated Books for Small Blind Children" and others.


Project operations on development of Salmanovskoye (Utrenneye) gas field are actively ongoing. NEK keeps providing delivery of goods by sea and river transport as well as by own truck fleet on the territory of the field.

NEK specialists on Sakhalin provide customs clearance under special customs procedure for Weatherford oil and gas equipment for “Berkut” offshore platform (Sakhalin-1 project).

NEK has successfully organized delivery of oversized equipment for maintenance of the Yerevan Thermal Power Station (Armenia).

The NEK branch in St. Petersburg has increased the number of new customers and volumes of provided services.

Goods receipt activities at the Ust-Kut terminal and trucking of cargo to Chayandinskoye and Kovyktinskoye gas fields is ongoing for GE, Schlumberger, Enel, Master Chemicals, TCO and other clients.

TÜV THÜRINGEN has conducted Supervisory audit of NEK to confirm the international ISO 9001 Certificate. The audit results: quality of complex logistics services meets the requirements of ISO 9001-2015 standard. New international Certificate has been issued.

NEK Company has received the international Eurasian Patent No. 035386 for "Rail wagon liner for transportation of bulk cargo ".

During the COVID-19 pandemic employees of NEK offices have been working remotely for most of the year what did not affect quality of performed services and customer satisfaction.



NEK Company continues active participation in development of Salmanovskoye (Utrenneje) oil and gas field territory (Gydan Peninsula, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region. A new field camp has been established for NEK specialists.

A TUV Rheinland supervisory audit to confirm the international ISO certification has been conducted in NEK JSC offices. Quality of logistics services meets the requirements of the ISO 9001-2015 standard. The NEK corporate management system is successfully functioning and developing. ISO 9001 Certificate is confirmed.

NEK together with its partners continued regular shipments of cargo from Ust-Kut for the needs of Chayandinskoye field development: by truck on winter roads and by water along the Lena River during the navigation period.

Active freight forwarding and customs clearance cooperation with Schlumberger Group of companies is ongoing.

NEK Specialists from St. Petersburg branch have successfully executed a complex of transportation and customs clearance services for urgent cargo that arrived from Belgium to the seaport of St. Petersburg for further shipment to Makhachkala (Dagestan).

Within the framework of the contract between NEK JSC and Tengizchevroil LLP the planned exercises have been held at the Astrakhan II railway station with participation of NEK specialists. The goal of the exercises - is elimination of emergency situation during transportation of dangerous goods by rail.

NEK participated in the INDIA LOGIX conference and in the International Forum " Security Technologies-2019».



NEK Company continues to provide logistic services for development of Salmanovskoye (Utrenneje) oil and gas field (Gydan Peninsula, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region. The Company owned construction equipment has been mobilized for the purpose.

NEK continues to provide a wide range of freight forwarding services in the city of Ust-Kut for delivery of project cargo for Schlumberger Group of Companies to remote areas of the Irkutsk Region and Yakutia

NEK has joined the Charter of bona fide participants of foreign economic activities. The main goal of the Charter is "to establish bona fide character in execution of foreign economic activities and collaboration with partners and government bodies"

The TUV Rheinland audit has confirmed that NEK JSC meets the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001-2015.

NEK has finalized the logistics project of the sea transportation and customs clearance of diesel generator sets with components to the Far East settlement of Bolshoy Kamen.

The NEK Group took part in the Break Bulk Exhibition in Bremen (Germany) on May 29-31. The Company was represented by its own stand.

NEK continues development of the territory of Salmanovskoye (Utrenneje) oil and gas field (Gydan Peninsula, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region). The company has mobilized its own construction equipment for the coming autumn-winter period.

The NEK Group of Companies took part in the largest international Breakbulk Americas Exhibition and Conference, dedicated to logistics for project and oversized cargo, held in Houston, Texas, USA, October 2-4.


2017  In the framework of Yamal LNG project, NEK group is expanding successfully cargo-handling facilities in Arkhangelsk and charters river vessels for Clients’ loads destined for Sabetta.

There’ve started up a new truck fleet in Ust-Kut town in order to deliver cargoes to oil and gas fields of Eastern Siberia. The fleet is equipped with own KAMAZ, MAN and low bed trucks for heavy lifts and out-of-gauge transportation.

IT software for tracking rails cars of NEK clients has been upgraded.

We’ve started active cooperation with Weatherford company in Sakhalin region.

There are handling heavy equipment for Kola shipbuilding yard at Murmansk Marine Trade Port.

16 June –25th anniversary of NEK group!

NEK specialists delivered a big lot of out-of-gauge equipment for stadium construction in Volgograd. Suspension cables and other equipment weighing in total 850 tons were delivered from Switzerland and Turkey.

NEK group participated in international trade shows and exhibitions BreakBulk Americas, (Houston, USA), Break Bulk Europe (Antwerp, Belgium) and expo-conference Break Bulk China, that time at joint booth of GPLN members.


2016  Delivery of project cargoes by sea and river for Yamal LNG construction phase is being developed actively.

The amount of service orders from the new customer General Electric has increased.

Complete complex of customs clearance services has been provided for offshore submersible drilling equipment to be used in the Okhotsk Sea.

Cooperation with «Sibur» has stated in the spheres of warehouse management and customs clearance.

Traditionally NEK took part in Break Bulk Exhibitions in Europe, USA and China as well as in Offshore Technology Conference. 

New and previous charity programs are going on.


2015  NEK group remains a lead logistics provider for its major clients: Schlumberger, Tengizchevroil, TOTAL, ExxonNeftegas, CPC-R, Nabors, Zarubezhneft, Atomenergoproekt.

Daily proactive efforts are being made to carry out customs formalities under special custom procedure for ExxonNeftegas.
After buying new container trucks, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk branch has started regular inland shipments from Korsakov and Kholmsk ports.
Freight shipments from Arkhangelsk port to Sabetta in the framework of Yamal LNG project are on the upswing.
In cooperation with Tengizchevroil personnel and representatives of EMERCOM of Russia, fire tactics trainings for emergency response are provided at the main terminals of South-Eastern and North-Caucasian Railways.

NEK Group takes part in the following exhibitions:
‘CIPPEE 2015’ (Beijing, China), ‘Oil and Gas 2015’ (Moscow, RF), ‘Break Bulk Americas’ (Houston, USA)
In the International Forum ‘Security and Safety Technologies’ (TB Forum 2015, Moscow, RF)
In the conference ‘The Southern Asia Ports, Logistics and Shipping 2015’ (Mumbai, India)

NEK delegates visit ‘Offshore Technology Conference’ (Houston, USA). «NefteGazSnab 2015» (Moscow, RF),
Cooperation with PPL network, American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Freight Forwarders Association of Russian Federation is in progress.

NEK people visit regularly sponsored orphanage ‘Rodnichok’ located in Kalyazin. They organize the annual charitable action “Clean the Earth from rubbish”.

NEK group keeps on supporting the Lovers-of- Labor House in the name of Righteous John of Kronshtadt.

2014  Start of cooperation with RosAtom. Out-of-Gauge equipment was delivered for Baltic APS construction project by combined transport from France, as well as spare parts arrived for Novovoronezh APS.

NEK group became a member of the U.S-Russia Chamber of Commerce. Membership certificate confirms all NEK’s powers and privileges as its ‘Silver member’.

NEK is acting properly in customs formalities for Russian shelf oil and gas projects: going on cooperation between Astrakhan branch and the companies involved in the construction works at ‘Philanovsky’ oilfield in the Caspian Sea.
In the framework of ExxonNeftegas project NEK-Sakhalin is organizing customs clearance of cargo for ‘Berkut’ drilling platform in the Sea of Okhotsk.
Moscow office has custom cleared cargoes for “Alfa” drilling platform that opened ‘Pobeda’ oilfield in the Kara Sea.
Cooperation with Schlumberger is in progress: the first flow of cargo was sent to Sabetta port.
Charity: we keep on realizing all our programs: support to ‘Rodnichok’ orphan house, participation in OON and UNESCO project – Gift Books for every blind child.

2013 NEK’s Astrakhan office provides comprehensive logistics services and customs clearance in the framework of the Caspian Shelf development project. More attention is paid to safety while processing the cargoes.
International conference and workshop ‘Alerts, warnings, containment, mitigation and emergency response to accidents occurring in the process of transportation of hazardous goods by Ukrainian Rail’ is organized jointly with Tengizchevroil Ltd. in Odessa, Ukraine.
Charity programs continue: helping ‘Rodnochok’ orphanage, shipments to St. Tikhon’s Church in Alaska, 'Author’s Song Archive Service' Charity Fund.

2012 NEK Group of Companies marks 20 years of operations in logistics.
Turbine plants for Cherepovetsk and Serov GRES’s have been successfully delivered per contract with JSC Group E4.
NEK provides warehousing services for the construction of the second phase of Caspian pipeline. A new office is opened in Elista. Works still continue to enhance safety for transportation of hazardous cargoes via railroad. Jointly with TsAGI named after Zhukovsky NEK develops and tests in TsAGI’s wind tube safety covers for transportation of hazardous bulk cargoes.
Charity: ‘Rodnichok’ orphanage graduates are provided with material aid. NEK continues to participate in UN and UNESCO project ‘A book as a present for each blind child’.
NEK helps Russian Orthodox community in Anchorage, Alaska to arrange their church.

2011 NEK in partnership with DHL Global Forwarding wins tender for air delivery and customs clearance of cargoes for Sakhalin Energy Investment Company (SEIC).
NEK is the expeditor for JSC Bashneft delivering cargoes to Trabsa and Titova oil deposits.
NEK signs contract with StroigazKonsalting Ltd. to provide complete warehousing services at Kirinskoye gas field (Sakhalin). A new office is opened at Nogliki.
NEK provides Material assistance to the treatment of children: I.Orlov, V.Bezgolosny, P.Deyev.
NEK helps in repairs and landscaping of the territory of the ‘Rodnichok’ orphanage, organizes recreational activities for children.

2010 NEK broadens scope of services provided by NEK to such companies as Schumberger, Air Liquid, and Ariell NeftegazService.
Contract works for Tengizchevroil Company (TCO) carry on. NEK is engaged in all-round drills aimed at prevention of rail accidents involving transportation of hazardous cargo. Works on implementation of EDI (Electronic Document Interchange) protocol for TCO Information Systems continue.
NEK customs department implements electronic declarations in some of NEK offices.
Charity project to help 'Rodnichok' ('Springlet') orphanage starts in the town of Kalyazin.

2009 Development of integrated logistics solutions of any complexity level in the area of oil and gas industry. Supply works continue on Korchagin oilfield. A contract was signed with a new partner - DHL Global Forwarding. New NEK offices were opened in Timashevsk, Sebezh, Novosobirsk, Calgary, and Tymen. NEK becomes a member of the ‘Murmanskshelf’ Association. NEK’s compliancy with international quality management standards is confirmed through an audit by an ISO 9001:2008 certificate.

2008 Transportation of over-sized equipment to the oil platform on Yu. Korchagin oilfield in the Caspian Sea. Transportation of energy plants to Salym oilfield. Development of international logistics. Inauguration of a new NEK office in Amsterdam (Netherlands). NEK’s in-house developed logistics database and management system is accepted by the Moscow Transportation University as a training tool for students majoring in logistics.
Charity: NEK takes over all works to transport unique church decorations to the St. Tikhon Church in Anchorage, Alaska.

2007 Acquisition of heavy-duty trucks for winter road cargo transportation operations on ‘Naryanmarneftegaz’ project. Transportation of over-sized cargoes for Air Liquid Severstal Company. Continued participation in charity programs: 'Author’s Song Archive Service' Charity Fun, book publishing for children with visual impairments.

2006 NEK becomes general cargo expeditor on ‘Naryanmarneftegaz’ project. Transportation of over-sized cargoes to Extreme North regions via winter roads and by helicopters.
Contract signed with MI Drilling Fluids. At the same time work starts with Salym Petroleum Development project. NEK’s St. Petersburg branch wins tender to provide customs services to St. Petersburg municipality. The quality of the Company’s logistics services are confirmed by ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate.

2005 NEK begins on general expedition of cargoes for ‘Naryanmarneftegaz’ project (Yuzhnoye Khylchuyu oilfield). New office starts operations at Usinsk, Naryan-Mar, Arkhangelsk, Varandey. Partnership with Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) begins. NEK wins ‘The best booth design’ at ‘Oil & Gas - 2005’ international exhibition in Moscow.

2004 Start of transportation of over-sized equipment for the construction of dry dock as part of Sakhalin II project. New NEK office opens at Vostochny Port (Nakhodka). NEK continues to be involved in Charity Fund ‘Illustrated Books for Little Blind Children’.

2003 NEK offices open in Nizhnevartovsk and Kyzylorda (Kazakhstan). Work on ‘PetroKazakhstan’ project begins. Development of the brokerage service continues. New NEK offices start to operate at Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo airports. A contract is signed with Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
Inauguration of the 'Author’s Song Archive Service' Charity Fund.

2002 NEK turns 10. Sakhalin operations start. Representative office is established at Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

2001 NEK-Brest Company is founded. Expediting on ‘Kashgan’ project begins (Western Kazakhstan). NEK becomes an officially licensed customs broker in Russia. New client: Petro Allianz Services Company.

2000 New companies: ‘NEK-Rostov’ (Rostov-on-Don) and ‘NEK-Novorossiysk’. NEK gets involved in Charity Fund ‘Illustrated Books for Little Blind Children’.

1999 NEK obtains a customs broker license in Kazakhstan and starts arrangement of customs warehouses and temporary storage facilities. Alongside NEK develops a computer system to automatically manage freight department’s orders.

1998 Establishment of ‘NEK-Astrakhan’ and ‘NEK-Odessa’, offices at Rostov-on-Don, Vyborg, Almaty, Batumi, and Tashkent. Development of computer programs to automate processing of crude oil shipments at ports of Odessa and Aktau.

1997 NEK office is set up at Baku. NEK signs a contract with ‘Tengizchevroil’ joint venture on transportation and expediting of crude oil and oil products via railroad. NEK develops a set of computer programs and tools to produce oil shipment documents and track shipments.

1996 Work starts to organize export shipments of TCO’s crude oil and oil products via railroad.

1995 NEK offers comprehensive scope of services in the area of transportation and expediting. The Company grows dynamically in Russia and Kazakhstan.

1994 NEK signs a direct contract with ‘Tengizchevroil’ joint venture (TCO). Works begin in Mangistau Region and in the port of Aktau. Partnerships with ‘Halliburton’ and ‘Schlumberger’ start to evolve.

1993 NEK begins work as a subcontractor to ‘Tengizchevroil’ joint venture (TCO) managing receipt and processing of cargoes shipped to Tengiz oilfield (Kazakhstan).

1992 Founding of JSC ‘Nezavisimaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya’ (Independent Energy Company) June16, 1992 — NEK’s birthday.